Author Guideline

Title Written in Cambria Font 16pt Bold Maximum 12 Words Indonesian Language

Abstract (Cambria 10pt Bold, Italic)
Maximum 200-250 words in English and Indonesian language containing only 1 paragraph italicized, 1 or single line spacing. The abstract content should be clear, descriptive and provide a brief overview of the research conducted. The abstract should provide reasons for choosing the research topic, research methods, results briefly, and contain a brief conclusion of the research.

Keyword: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, ……, ……. (Min 3, Max 5 keywords)

1. Introduction (Cambria, 12pt)

The main text format consists of 1 column left-right aligned on A4 paper. The text is written in Cambria 11pt font with 1 space, paragraph settings are indentation left 0 right 0 special first line by 0.25, writing format is not allowed to use bullets or numbering in all parts of the paper, page limit is at least 6 pages (including bibliography).
The introduction must contain the background of the research, a clear statement of the problem, previous research literature on the subject of the research, the proposed solution, and the contribution made from the research conducted. This section must also contain a theoretical foundation in the form of a summary of theories taken from supporting literature and contain an explanation of the basic concepts and principles needed to solve the problem.
The introduction must explain the tools or instruments related to the problem under study. Literature sources referred to in this section must include statements referred to in the bibliography [1], for example citations [2] or [3] or like this [4,5].

2. Metode (Cambria, 12pt)

The method section should describe clearly and concisely the methods used to achieve the research objectives. If it is necessary to provide a flow chart or research stages, please show it in the form of a picture. The use of images must be mentioned before the appearance of the image. For example, the flow of research that has been carried out is shown in Figure 1 briefly.

The image used must have a clear resolution, besides that the image layout is centered with the writing of the image caption must be bold, the title of the image using Cambria 10pt font is not bold. If the image is a graph that comes from excel, please convert it to the previous image, do not directly copy and paste it into paper because it will reduce the image resolution.
The use of tables has several provisions, among others: the layout of the table caption above the table, center aligned, the table title using Cambria 10pt font, without vertical lines, horizontal lines only for the header of the table and the bottom of the table, the use of table fonts is allowed to shrink the font but still keep it easy to read by readers. tables should not be truncated unless the table is impossible to type on one page. If the table is truncated, it must include the same table number and the word Continued without title. Tables must be referenced first before the appearance of Table 1.

All tables and figures that appear in the paper after the appearance are required to provide a narrative of the table and figure so that the reader understands the purpose of the table and figure. Table and figure titles are capitalized at the beginning of the table and figure titles.

3. Results and Discussion (Cambria, 12pt)

This section can use sub-sections as exemplified below. However, if you want to combine the results and discussion, the author must separate the results and discussion with a new paragraph. To clarify the presentation, the research results are presented carefully so that they are easy to understand, for example, they can be shown in the form of tables, curves, graphs, drawings, photos, or other forms as needed in a complete and clear manner. It is important that when reading the research results in this format, the reader does not need to look for related information from the description in the discussion. The end of this section contains information about the strengths and weaknesses of the system, described in detail.
This section is allowed to use equations if there are any, writing the equations sequentially and by numbering the numbers in parentheses with a right margin, as in equation (1)(2)(3). The equation must be referenced first before the equation is displayed. Equations can use the equatin editor to create equations.

.......................................................... (1)

.......................................................... (2)

.......................................................... (3)

The equation that appears must be narrated by the symbols below the equation above. a is the value of xxxxxx, b is the value of xxxx, and so on. The writer is not allowed to use bullets to define the symbols in the equation, only the narration of each symbol.

3.1. Result (Cambria, 12pt)

This section should contain a logical, systematic and complete scientific explanation. Authors must provide rational arguments about the scientific information obtained in the research conducted, especially relevant information.

3.2. Discussion (Cambria, 12pt)

This section must contain a discussion of the research results obtained, which can be presented in the form of theoretical descriptions, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

4. Conclusion (Cambria, 12pt)

The conclusion is a short, clear and precise statement of what was obtained, contains advantages and weaknesses, can be proven, and is directly related to the research objectives. The description in this section must be a statement that has been analyzed/discussed in the previous section, not a completely new statement that has never been discussed in the previous section, and is an answer to the problem formulated. This section does not need any further explanation.
Conclusions are not allowed to use bullets or numbering, at least 2 paragraphs in the conclusion. The first paragraph explains the conclusion and the second paragraph provides suggestions. Conclusions may not contain citations.

Acknowledgment (Cambria, 12pt, optional)

The author would like to thank those who have provided FINANCIAL support so that the research was carried out.

REFERENCE (Cambria, 12pt)

Citation must use tools such as Mendeley or zetero with citation settings citation style is Elsevier - Vancouver. The writing of the table of contents is written in 10pt Cambria font, 1 space, left-right aligned. The use of primary references (JOURNALS) with a minimum of 80% compared to other reference sources such as BOOKS, Sources from the Internet and a minimum bibliography using 15 journals. Authors must use the latest references at least 5 years back from the year of writing (the editorial team will check the reference source - if it does not meet the paper will be rejected or revised). It is recommended to set up citations in Mendeley before starting to write the paper.