WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
<p>Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, media penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi melalui program pengabdian dan layanan kepada masyarakat untuk pengembangan teori keilmuan, konsep pemikiran dan hasil peneltian baik dibidang teknik, kesehatan, sosial dan humaniora.Terbit pertama tahun 2023 dengan frekuensi terbit empat kali dalam satu tahun yakni pada bulan Januari, April, Juli dan Oktober. Mulai dari Volume 3, Frekuensi penerbitan tiap volume berubah dari 4 kali ( January, April, July and October ) setahun menjadi 2 kali ( Januari dan July )</p>Universitas Muhammadiyah Klatenen-USWASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat2963-0827Financial Education Assistance for Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Klaten
<p><em>Financial issues are an important aspect of individual and community life as part of the mechanism for survival. There is still a lack of understanding and knowledge among teenagers, especially students, in managing their personal finances, as well as in organizing themselves and making good financial plans. The preparation stage begins with the service team visiting partners for observation. The service method consists of preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages. The results show a significant increase in students' understanding of good pocket money management, indicating that they now understand the importance of saving. There is also an improvement in their ability to create simple bookkeeping, allowing students to track their pocket money and financial inflows and outflows. Observations during the activities revealed that students were very enthusiastic and actively participated in every session. This program significantly enhanced students' understanding of basic financial literacy concepts and successfully encouraged positive changes in their attitudes and behaviors toward financial management.</em></p>Alfiati NurrokhminiArie Rachma PutriDea Syiafa OliviaDita Nurfika Ayu Saputri
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-313011710.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1358Aisyiyah Happy Gymnastics: A Healthy Living Community Movement Among Aisyiyah Boyolali Residents
<p><em>NCDs can be a long-term burden for sufferers tend to be incurable, and can have a negative impact on all aspects of life. Problems owned by partners of the Institute of Arts and Sports (LBSO) for implementing health da'wah programs through Senam Aisyiyah Bahagia activities as a form of implementing physical activity to prevent and minimize the occurrence of NCDs. Implement and cultivate physical activity with Senam Aisyiyah Bahagia activities for Aisyiyah Boyolali Residents. Gymnastic exercises performed by members of Aisyiyah Regional Leadership. Senam Aisyiyah Bahagia activities can increase the physical activity of Aisyiyah Boyolali Residents. Senam Aisyiyah Bahagia activities are expected to increase the physical activity of Aisyiyah Boyolali residents, which can be implemented sustainably and cover a wider community</em></p>Anisa Catur WijayantiChayanita Sekar WijayaWidya Galih PuspitaFairuz El HadMuhammad Rivandi Athaya
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-3130181210.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1481Moringa Oleifera Conservation Supports Anemia Prevention Program Towards a Golden Generation Free of Stunting
<p><em>Adolescence is the initial period of preparation for pregnancy, so it is necessary to strive for the best nutrition during adolescence. As we know, nutritional status during adolescence plays a very important role in a woman's preparation for pregnancy because of the high incidence of anemia in adolescents, so efforts for early detection and prevention of anemia in adolescents need to be vigilant. Health education about anemia and adolescent nutrition really needs to be given as initial preparation for teenagers to become mothers-to-be so that in the future the babies born will not experience growth and development problems, especially stunting. Nutritional problems that often occur in young women are lack of nutritional intake which will cause malnutrition, chronic lack of energy, lack of protein energy and anemia can occur. Objective: Increase knowledge and behavior of Aisyiyah cadres towards preventing anemia. Method: This empowerment activity was carried out in the village of Belimbing, Polokarto, Sukoharjo using the method of counseling and empowering cadres to utilize empty land to plant Moringa leaves (Moringa Oleifera). Results: If you look at the results of the pre-test and post-test calculations carried out during the activity, namely the results before the extension and empowerment activities were carried out, it is known that the knowledge obtained in the good category was 25% and after the extension and empowerment activities were carried out it increased to 55%. This empowerment activity succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres in Belimbing Village as well as ways to prevent anemia through processed Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) leaf products</em>.</p>Rina Sri WidayatiSri KustiyatiDewi Kartika SariRenata Fina Antika Cahyani
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-31301131810.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1484Social Media Literacy Education for Class VI Students SD Muhammadiyah Tonggalan, Klaten
<p><em>The community service activity titled "Social Media Literacy Education for Sixth Grade Students at SD Muhammadiyah Tonggalan, Klaten" was designed to enhance the students' understanding and skills in utilizing information technology. Through education and direct guidance, this activity successfully improved students' knowledge in using social media, including crucial aspects such as data security and the accuracy of disseminated information. Additionally, the activity increased student’s awareness of the importance of privacy and security in technology usage. Although the results were positive, the report identifies several areas needing improvement, such as some students still sharing personal information, highlighting the need for broader collaboration with parties related to data security and information management skills, expanding participant reach, and developing more comprehensive educational materials</em></p>Nisrina Akbar Rizky PutriNoor Afy ShovmayantiArdiansyah Ardiansyah
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-31301192510.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1477Community Movement for Stunting Awareness (GEMASTING) with the Kembang Bonsay Mini Program
<p><em>Stunting is a major chronic nutritional issue among children in developing countries. The prevalence of stunting in Klaten Regency increased from 2021 to 2022. Inadequate community empowerment and lack of knowledge are the primary factors contributing to stunting in Klaten Regency. Community empowerment through the GEMASTING program aims to raise public awareness about stunting prevention by implementing the Kembang Bonsay Mini program, which focuses on food security initiatives through the provision of supplementary recovery feeding. The implementation method in Jarum Bayat Village, Klaten Regency, involves several stages: field observation/preparation, coordination with the Coordinating Midwife of the Health Center, coordination with the village authorities or village midwife, and community assistance in the stunting awareness activities through the Kembang Bonsay Mini program. The team's findings revealed that parents' knowledge about stunting was still low. However, many mothers were eager to ask questions, especially about how to prevent or address children with poor appetite. At the end of the activity, the team, along with health volunteers, provided supplementary recovery feeding and conducted anthropometric measurements for stunted children.</em></p>Lusiana AmbarsariEndang Wahyuningsih
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-31301263310.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1490Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Screening in the Community of Buki Village, Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi
<p><em>Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and coronary heart disease are among the leading causes of death in Indonesia. Health screening is an effective method in the prevention of NCDs, particularly for measuring blood pressure and blood glucose levels. The objective of this community service activity is to identify individuals at high risk of developing hypertension and diabetes mellitus, as well as to raise public awareness about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle as a preventive measure against these two diseases. This activity utilized a social health service approach, with the main focus being to provide free healthcare services to the community in Buki Village, Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi. A total of 50 participants attended this activity. The program was divided into three phases: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the community service show that, out of the 50 participants who underwent health screening, 6 individuals were found to have hypertension and 2 individuals had diabetes mellitus. This activity not only helped increase public awareness of the risks of NCDs but also served as an effective preventive step to avoid the progression of more serious health conditions in the future.</em></p>Achmad SyuaibAbdul M UkrataloAbdur Rahman Assagaf
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-31301343910.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1494Application of Information Technology for Information Dissemination and Data Management at Procarehapustato Klaten
<p><em>Information technology has received many positive reactions in use in various sectors, including in the field of MSME empowerment. The era of technology, which is often referred to as the 4.0 era, people tend to use technology in their daily lives so that MSMEs are forced to keep up with the times. However, in reality there are still many MSMEs that still cannot keep up with these developments due to several factors such as access to marketing or broad dissemination of information, or the quality of human resources owned by MSMEs. Procare Klaten is an MSME engaged in tattoo removal services. The problems found at Procare remove tattoos in Klaten, namely: Information dissemination, registration process, human resources (HR). So that designing an information system that can be used to provide information online so that it can be accessed by the public at large and accommodate the registration process is a solution. Furthermore, FGDs and intense meetings were held to assist and provide knowledge related to the latest technology to increase the productivity of Procare's human resources</em></p>Ardiansyah ArdiansyahHabib IsmailMustofa RomadhaniFian Pandu CahyadiMuh. Ikhlazul Jihad
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-31301404610.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1517Increasing the Capacity of BA KBBA Basin III Teachers Through Health Education for Pre-School Child Growth and Development Screening
<p><em>Health education with the theme of developmental screening of pre-school children is a necessity, so that teachers have adequate knowledge and skills. SDIDTK is a basic and very easy effort to detect early delays in child development. Through early detection, deviations in children's growth and development can be seen. PAUD as a place of formal education for early childhood, the second place of growth and development stimulation after the family. To know the development that children have achieved, regular assessment of growth and development is needed so that it can be detected early and early stimulation and intervention can be carried out. So it is important for teachers to know about how to screen for early detection and intervention of child growth and development. With the implementation of health education on pre-school children's growth and development screening in BA Basin, it is proven to increase teachers' knowledge of screening and early detection of children's growth and development. The average knowledge before the health education was 10.71 points increased to 14.15 points.</em></p>setianingsih setianingsihIstianna NurhidayatiFitriana Nugraheni
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
2025-01-312025-01-31301475310.61902/wasathon.v3i01.1518Health Education About Diabetes Mellitus
<p><em>Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease with a globally increasing prevalence, including in Indonesia. This condition is characterized by high blood sugar levels due to impaired insulin production or function, which can lead to serious complications. A health education session on Diabetes Mellitus was conducted, to enhance community awareness regarding risk factors, symptoms, prevention, and DM management. The method included preparation, direct delivery of materials, and interactive evaluation. Results showed an increase in community understanding of DM, including its definition, symptoms, risk factors, and preventive measures. Participants also demonstrated greater awareness of adopting healthy lifestyles and improving DM management. This education program is expected to reduce the risk of complications and improve the community’s quality of life</em>.</p>Endang SawitriPuput Risti KusumaningrumEsri RusminingsihEma Kusumawati
Copyright (c) 2025 WASATHON Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat