Community Movement for Stunting Awareness (GEMASTING) with the Kembang Bonsay Mini Program
Stunting is a major chronic nutritional issue among children in developing countries. The prevalence of stunting in Klaten Regency increased from 2021 to 2022. Inadequate community empowerment and lack of knowledge are the primary factors contributing to stunting in Klaten Regency. Community empowerment through the GEMASTING program aims to raise public awareness about stunting prevention by implementing the Kembang Bonsay Mini program, which focuses on food security initiatives through the provision of supplementary recovery feeding. The implementation method in Jarum Bayat Village, Klaten Regency, involves several stages: field observation/preparation, coordination with the Coordinating Midwife of the Health Center, coordination with the village authorities or village midwife, and community assistance in the stunting awareness activities through the Kembang Bonsay Mini program. The team's findings revealed that parents' knowledge about stunting was still low. However, many mothers were eager to ask questions, especially about how to prevent or address children with poor appetite. At the end of the activity, the team, along with health volunteers, provided supplementary recovery feeding and conducted anthropometric measurements for stunted children.